Air pollution has become a major problem in China, with NO2 and PM2.5 levels frequentlyexceeding WHO safety guidelines. While poor air quality has clear public health impacts, veryfew monitoring stations (e.g. only 18 monitoring stations in Hong Kong and 35 in Beijing) areavailable for measurements of major air pollutants, severely limiting evidence-based air qualitydecision-making. Under the TBR project by Prof. Victor OK Li and Dr. Jacqueline CK Lam (HKU EEE department),AI/big data technologies are used to estimate and forecast air pollution in a geographically fine-grained manner.UMeAir is a mobile application developed by HKU-Cambridge AI-Wise Research Platform, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Hong Kong to allow public access to air pollutant levels in a geographically fine-grained manner. It also suggests alternative travel routes with expected levels of air pollution exposure.